I began my digital visual meditations in 1989. Illustration and photo-editing software are tools of a light-based medium. My work explores endless transparency, overlays, and shape replication. This ongoing exploration of a light-based medium allowed me to develop an expanded color and shape library.
I chose a light-based medium of creative expression to record my meditation and consciousness studies. By 1989, I had completed many years of Agni Yoga meditation. From 1991, I began a series of Integral Yoga studies. In this portfolio meditation, inspiration, and vision are central to the work.
Mythology of a Cosmology
Abstract concepts materialize powers, forces, and entities integral to the history and future of the earth and cosmos.
"Dawn of Flame-Beings"
Her eyes are caretakers of the evolution of Light on this planet. The Eternal Eye is also present in the Light on Earth.
Cosmology of Light
Meditations of a Cosmology of Light, a unified field theory on light. All are seen as faces of Light, immanent in all.
"Musings on Light"
Light-based systems are packets of light, a photon, expressing information from layers of light into material form.
"Collaboration Journal"
"She came out where there shone a deathless sun. A house was there all made of flame and light."
—Savitri, Sri Aurobindo
Wisdom Traditions
The Supreme Being, the Supreme Lord, and the Supreme Person influence the soul (psychic being) in the evolution.
"Dawn of Flame-Beings"
The Earth is organized around a Flame. It is a portal through which infinite potentials come forth in the present and future.
"Musings on Light"
Light, containing All, may move infinitely fast and exist in stillness. In stillness some of the eternal of Light is revealed.